Blocking Issues with AT&T’s Internet Security with Active Armor

Troubleshooting issues with AT&T’s Internet Security with Active Armor that may block the Rockstar Learning Platform.

March 31, 2022


Some AT&T users have experienced issues accessing their websites and other subscriptions. The new Internet Security with Active Armor feature has caused widespread blocking because it flags these websites for Phishing. 

Quick Fix from the Blocked Page

The quickest way to fix this issue is to add the blocked page to the exception list. To do so, select “AT&T Smart Home Manager” in the instructions paragraph on the blocked page screen.



Disabling the AT&T Security Feature 

You can also disable this security feature so that it does not run for any website. To do so, review your internet provider’s settings and disable the “AT&T's Internet Security with Active Armor” feature. If you do not have this feature turned on, then this blocking will not occur.


Look for Other Solutions in the AT&T Community

Though we don’t know the parameters for what this feature considers “Phishing”, some AT&T community members have been providing troubleshooting advice. Check out the AT&T is blocking websites article in the AT&T Community to learn more.