Can I disable Double Jeopardy! or Final Jeopardy!?

If you want to make a shorter game experience, you have the option of disabling Double Jeopardy! so that the game only has two rounds instead of three. If you disable Double Jeopardy! then once the first round of Jeopardy! ends it will move directly to Final Jeopardy!


Final Jeopardy! is always just one question that you cannot disable. Before the question appears, players will be asked to wager money. If they have $0 or negative dollars at this time, they will not be able to wager, but they can still answer the Final Jeopardy! question when it comes up.

If they do have money at this time, they can wager however much they’d like depending on the amount of money they have at that time. In the control panel, after everyone who can place a wager does so, the instructor can press “Hide Wager” and then “Show Clue” which will then bring up the Final Jeopardy! question.
