Building a Microlearning Module

Questions and Quizzes in MicroBuilder™

Creating Questions and Quizzes In MicroBuilder™

The Question block allows you to add three different question types:

Multiple Choice: A question that requires a user to select 1 correct answer

Multiple Select: A question that requires a user to select multiple correct answers

Short Answer: A prompt/question that requires a user to write a short answer

Be sure to select or enter the correct answer so your question can be properly scored. 

Note: For cases in which a Short Answer question has an exact answer, such as "What company does the Rockstar Learning Platform belong to," you can setup the correct answer that a user must enter; and even make it case sensitive (so the answer must have proper capitalization).

The acceptable answers for this question might be "ELB Learning," "elblearning," or "ELB." If a user entered one of those variations, they would answer correctly

Include in Quiz

Toggling this feature on, will allow your Questions to be scored. Once you've toggled that on, you'll see an additional selection become available, "Quiz Properties."

Quiz Properties

This allows you to set the Passing Score (%), and the Total Number (#) of Attempts.

In the Quiz Results block you can enter your own custom feedback for passing or failing the quiz.