Best Practices

Disabling publish of Responsive Design in Lectora

The approach for Responsive Design is to enable the author to build the content to display exactly as desired for any viewing preference.  When building a project in Lectora, the default view is for a standard desktop computer.  This view is scaled to fit into the landscape views for tablets or phone/mobile devices, generally not requiring any modifications by the author, unless desired of course.  The other 2 views, tablet and phone, also scale to fit, but as the view is portrait/vertical, the author will generally modify the position and size of objects to best take advantage of the vertical screen space.

A unique feature of Lectora is the ability to 'turn off' any responsive view, meaning that a custom view can be disabled, leaving the default computer view to be displayed instead, similar to any non-portrait-designed webpage.  Simply slide the toggle switches at the top of each view to disable those views.  Learners will see the landscape view regardless of which orientation the device is in.

The author can design for the vertical views at any time and publish when ready.

Default state with all views enabled

With portrait views disabled

Tip:  When building a project, portrait views can be enabled to edit, then disabled again to publish only the landscape views or vice versa.  

Tip:  Note that changes made to the tablet view will be applied automatically to the phone view.  Changes made to the phone view will only apply to the phone view.  This inheritance often applies well to the phone view, resulting in few or no changes needed.

This article last reviewed March, 2023. The software may have changed since the last review. Please visit our Release Notes to learn more about version updates.