Stock Asset Library

Finding Previously Downloaded Assets

The Downloads tab makes it easy to find the assets you've previously downloaded on the eLearning Brothers website. Learn how to use it by watching this video. 


Keeping track of your previously downloaded assets can be a hassle, so we’ve created the Downloads tab to help you go back and find the items you love.

To access the downloads tab, start by logging in at, go to the top right hand corner, click on the login button, and log in with either your LinkedIn, Facebook, or email as I’m doing here. Once you’re logged in, click your name in the upper right hand corner to get to your user dashboard. This will take you to the “Libraries” tab. To see a list of assets you’ve downloaded, you’ll need to click just below, on “Downloads.”

Here is the list of all the items you’ve ever downloaded, with the most recent downloads at the top. This makes it easy to go back and find that cinnamon sticks icon you downloaded several months ago. As you can see on the right hand side, you can select “Download Again” to download the asset without having to go back and search for it in the Library.

By clicking on the column headings, you can sort by the download date or product name. Clicking a second time sorts the list in the reverse order.

If you’ve downloaded anything from the eLearning Brothers, Team or Member libraries, you can use the drop down to show only items downloaded from those specific libraries.

If you’re a master account holder, you can view all the downloads for everyone in your Group. In addition to being able to sort by Date and Product name, Master Account Holders can also sort by User.  At the top of the screen you still can filter by Libraries, but Master Account holders have an additional drop-down that allows you to show only downloads for a specific user.

Simple as that!

This article last reviewed Feb, 2020. The software may have changed since the last review.