Template Library

Getting Started: Captivate Games


Setting the Game Options

1. Select first slide of the template then click the Actions tab.


2. Click the yellow folder icon on the right side of the GameOptions


3. Change the values of the variables to your desired values then click the Update Actions button. Please select Literal values.

NumberOfQuestions - Set the desired number of questions (4 - 20).

AddPointsPerRightQuestion - Set the desired number of Points Per Question.

PassingPercentage - Set the desired value of the passing percentage of your quiz.

zScorm - Set this to 1 to send your score to SCORM, otherwise set this to 0



Setting the Text and Labels

1.  Select a slide that has text like the Instruction slide then double click on the text boxes and type your desired text in it.

2. To change the label for the buttons, double click on the button then type your desired label in it.

Important Note: DO NOT do this for the choices buttons.


Question Settings

1. Select the Question # Set Variables slide for each question. In this example I selected Question 1 Set Variables slide. Click the Actions tab and then click the yellow icon folder besides the SetupQuestion#.


2. Change the values of the variables to your desired values then click the Update Actions button. Please select Literal values.

MultipleReponse - Set to 1 if Multiple Resonse, otherwise set to 0

AnswerA - Set this to 1 if this is the correct answer, otherwise set to 0.

AnswerB - Set this to 1 if this is the correct answer, otherwise set to 0.

AnswerC - Set this to 1 if this is the correct answer, otherwise set to 0.

AnswerD - Set this to 1 if this is the correct answer, otherwise set to 0.

AnswerChoices  - Set the desired number of choices/buttons to be shown (2-4).

Btn1Label - Set the label for choice 1.

Btn2Label - Set the label for choice 2.

Btn3Label - Set the label for choice 3.

Btn4Label - Set the label for choice 4.

Important note: Please don’t change the values of the last three variables in the "Advanced Actions" panel.


Correct and Incorrect Remediation Slides.

To change the text of the correct and incorrect slides, select the correct/incorrect slide for that particular question then double click on the text boxes and change the text.

This article last reviewed Feb, 2020. The software may have changed since the last review.