Interactions and Scenarios

Getting Started with Storyline Scenario Templates

This tutorial will help you use the Articulate Storyline Scenario templates. (Note: To learn how to install our Storyline Templates then first review this tutorial.)

Our scenarios come with 6 characters that have 10 pre-built states. You can use Triggers to activate the different states throughout a scenario slide.




Using Characters:
Each character has 10 states. You can modify the triggers that we have on our buttons to change the character states.

To change a character state:

  1. Click on the button / object that will activate the character to change. (This could be a button like “Choice 1″ or it might be that the user is clicking on the actual character itself. You might also use a slide trigger and have the character change when the slide timeline starts.)
  2. Find the Triggers panel on the right side and find the trigger that controls your character. (For example you might see Choice 1 and then under that “Change state of ….”)
  3. On the trigger that is changing the state of your character you’ll see blue text that you can click on. Click that text and you’ll see a drop-down that shows all of the states on the character.
  4. Scroll up to see the Custom States and then choose the one that you want such as excited or applause.