Admin - Enrollments

How do Admins Unenroll Users?

How to unenroll users from a course. What happens when a user is unenrolled.

September 10, 2021


Unenroll Users

Admins can unenroll users from a course through the Enrollments tab in the admin portal. 

Step 1: Navigate to the Admin Enrollments tab

Select “Show enrolled users” under your desired course on the left. The list of users enrolled in the course will appear on the right. 




Step 2: Select Users

Select users you wish to unenroll and then select the “Unenroll” button.




Step 3: Confirm Choice

A pop-up box will ask you to confirm your choice. Select “Unenroll users” to confirm.




Step 4: Confirmation Message

Once users are unenrolled, you will receive a confirmation message. The unenrolled user will then be grayed out from the list.



Note: It may take a few minutes for the changes to be reflected in your user enrollment list. Wait a few minutes then refresh the page if the changes do not update right away.


Unenrollment and Reporting

The following sections of the Rockstar Learning Platform are impacted when a user is unenrolled from a course: 

User Enrolled Tab

Courses will no longer appear in the user’s enrolled tab. However, users can still access courses that are in their learner group from the Featured tab. 



Note: If you want to restrict access to the course, you would have to remove the learner from the learner group associated with the course.

Admin Enrollment Reports - Completion

Unenrolled users will no longer appear in the Admin Enrollment section of the Report tab. 



Course Completion

Unenrolled user's course and module completions will still appear in every completion report other than the Admin Enrollment Completion report (e.g Content Completion Reports, User Details, Events, etc.)

User Details Report

The unenrolled course’s name will be removed from the User Details report in the Enrolled tab.

View User Page

The unenrolled course’s name will be removed from the View User page in the Users Tab.