How to Attach, Find, and Launch External Files in a Lectora Title
You can attach files to your Lectora title that are not natively supported by the program (for example, PDF files). Attaching external files enables you to publish them along with the course and all other imported resources. These files are housed with the course instead of being published on a website, file share, or other linkable location. Once attached you can locate them in Resource Manager. You can also launch the files open using an action.
For a complete list of the supported file types please visit the Information Center:
Lectora: Supported Media Types
Lectora Online: Supported Media Types
Note: External files require that students have the corresponding application on their computers that will open the file. In most cases, the default action will be performed depending on the operating system on your computer or browser you are running. In other cases, the file will be launched using a program, plugin, or other software that has been added to the learner’s computer. For example, if you have added a PDF as an attached file, opening the PDF may happen via a PDF reader software (ie Adobe Acrobat) installed on their computer or plugin installed in the browser.
To Add External Files:
In the Title Explorer, navigate to the structural level (ie page) you want to add the attachment to. Then do one of the following:
- Drag and drop the file or folder from your file folder directly onto the Lectora page. Note: f the file is not a supported media type, the program will prompt you with a message asking if the file should be added as an additional file.
- On the Insert ribbon, click Attachment from the Add More group.
Select whether to add a File or a Folder. A file refers to a single media type. If more then one media type needs to be shared they must be placed in a zipped folder (.zip). Navigate and select the appropriate file or folder. To create a hyperlink on the page, check the Create hyperlink to attachment on page option. To link to the attachment without importing it, check the Link to attachment (imports at publish) option. Then click Open.
The attachment is added to your title. The file will not be visible in your Title Explorer or working area. Instead, it’s been added to an Extern folder in your courses files (Lectora) or added as a part of the package file (Lectora Online).
To Find External Files (Resources):
After adding the attachment you can confirm it’s been uploaded by locating it inside the Resource Manager. This tool is also helpful when picking up a revision so you can easily troubleshoot what files have been attached and where they are being launched. You can also edit, remove, and rename the files within your course.
To open the Resource Manager navigate to the Tools ribbon. From the Manage section select the Resources button.

The Resource Manager window will appear. To locate a file select the file type navigate the categories by expanding and collapsing the plus [+] and minus [-] signs before the resource category names that contain resources.

Or use the Search tab, enter the search terms into the field and click the Search button. The resulting list is populated with the resources whose file names contain the search terms provided.

To Launch External Files:
From within Lectora and Lectora Online, you can launch External files in one of two ways: Open Attachment or Launch a Program/Document. To begin, add an action to the clickable object (ie button) in your course that you want to be associated with opening or launching your file. Rename the action and select the proper trigger. Use the Open Attachment action if you want to the open a specified attachment. Use Launch a Program/Document if you want to launch a specified program or document. You can launch one of the additional files contained within the title, or you can specify a relative or fully qualified Web address of the file you want to launch.

This article last reviewed Dec, 2015. The software may have changed since the last review. Please visit our Release Notes to learn more about version updates.