
Popular Choice

There are four main things you will need to know for the game Popular Choice.

1-      How to change the number of possible answers

2-      How to change the answers/acceptable answers

3-      How to change the points per answer to have the answers weighted

4-      How to add another question

The rest of the modifications you will need to do can be found in the other Lectora game tutorials, such as text, button color, background, …

1- How to change the number of possible answers

There is a variable “NumberOfAnswers” that can be modified with an action that is at the top of the “Game Round” page labeled “CHANGE#OFANSWERS”.  Whatever you place in the “value” of that action will reflect how many answer choices will be available. There can only be up to 8 answers.

2- How to change the answers/acceptable answers

There are two places you need to change your answers at:

1- On screen just change the text on the blue squares.

2- The second is in actions. In this game I made it available to have multiple acceptable answers for each individual answer. For instance the answer “Chicken” can also be correct if the user inputs “chicken”, “wings”, “chicken wings”, or “buffalo wings”. The 8 actions “answer (#)” will control those acceptable answers. In the “value” of the respected answer place in your answers like this “chicken,wings,chicken wings,buffalo wings”

3- How to change the points per answer

The next 8 actions on each page are labeled “points (#)”. This part does require some math depending how you want to weigh the answers. I have made each question total 100 points, so divvying out those 100 points among your 1-8 answers on the board might require a calculator. However, all that is required is to place the number in the “value” of the respected “points (#)” action.

4- How to add another question

This is the easy step copy the page “Game Round 2”, paste, then rename. Oh and you might want to change the text 1/2, 2/2 at the top left corner to reflect how many questions/ rounds you have and what round you are on.

This article last reviewed Dec, 2015. The software may have changed since the last review. Please visit our Release Notes to learn more about version updates.