MicroBuilder AI

Translating a Microlearning Module in MicroBuilder®

How to use AI to translate your module in MicroBuilder®


The translation feature in MicroBuilder allows you to make your content more inclusive and accessible to a global audience. With this feature, you can:

  • Automatically translate text and videos into multiple languages
  • Enjoy AI-generated voice-over tracks for videos
  • Translate up to 1 million characters with this limited free version

How-To Setup:

Step 1: Click on the "Translate This Page" button

Step 2: Select the language you'd like to use

Note: The "Supported Features" column will show "T" for Translating the text on the page; "CC" for Closed Caption Translation on a Video with Audio; and "VO" for Voice Over Translation on a Video with Audio


Caution: Not all languages are supported for Text, CC, and VO

Step 3: Once a language is selected, it will show "Waiting for Publish." This indicates that it needs to be Translated. In order to do so, click the "Translate Now" button or Publish your content

Step 4: Once the Translation has processed, you should see the Supported Features display. In this example, you can see the "T," "CC," and "VO" for Spanish. Now, you can click "Publish"

How-To Use:

Step 1: Click on the "Globe" icon to select a language you'd like the text translated to

Step 2: Select a language you'd like the text translated to

Step 3: For Video Translations, click on the "Gear" icon to view options

Step 4: For Video-Audio Translations (Voice Over), click on the "Language" option to select a language you'd like the Video-Audio Translated to

Step 5: For Video-Subtitle Translations (Closed Caption), click on the "Subtitle" option to select a language you'd like the Video-Subtitles Translated to