Trouble Shooting

Troubleshooting - You must run this content from a web-based server

This error can occur when one of the Lectora files is not encrypted properly and is missing from the Lectora published package. 
The encryption process occurs using one of our installed executables called encrypt.exe that is located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\eLearningBrothers\Lectora 19\encrypt.exe" If this file is not permitted to execute on your Lectora Windows computer, then the tobj work.txt file will not be converted.  This missing file will cause this error on the LMS when the course attempts to load the resource.
Please ensure that encrypt.exe is permitted to run on your Lectora Windows computer. We suggest you ask your IT department or check your anti-virus software for permissions.
You may have noticed a file in your Lectora published scorm folder named similar to “” alongside the scorm zip file.
Our complete list of web addresses, files to permit, and other related permissions can be found here: Required Permissions for Lectora Software
Other Error messages caused by this.  
You must run this content from a web-based server
You must run this content from a web-based server Forbidden
You must run this content from a web-based server Not Found