
Viewing the Leaderboard

In this article, you will learn about the Leaderboard.

June 1, 2022

  •  Click on the Leaderboard tab on the lefthand side menu on the Learner side of the platform.

  • Once on the Leaderboard, you will see responses with most recent at the top. At the top of the page, you will see options to navigate the responses either by searching directly, filtering by Program, or sorting by Most Recent/Most Liked.

  • For each Leaderboard submission, you will see the video thumbnail on the left. You will also see the name of the person the video belongs to, to which Scenario it was in response to, and its respective Program. Beneath this information, you will see the date it was submitted to the Leaderboard and how many likes it has.

  • To view a submission, click on the video thumbnail. In the window that opens, you will see the submission which will automatically begin to play. There may be a note from the Mentor, just underneath the video. In addition, you will see how many likes it has on the very bottom left, and the date the response was originally submitted on the bottom right.

  • To view another submission, click on the X in the upper righthand corner of the video to close the window and be taken back to the Leaderboard.